On Tuesday, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Timcho Mucunski met with the Ambassador of Slovakia, Henrik Markus, to discuss the strong bilateral relationship between their countries. The Foreign Ministry noted that the meeting celebrated the close friendship, intensive political dialogue, and broad sectoral cooperation shared by the two nations.

“This year marks the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries,” the press release stated. “Both sides expressed mutual satisfaction with the ongoing positive trend in relations and reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthening these ties.”

Minister Mucunski expressed particular gratitude for Slovakia’s support in the country’s European integration process, emphasizing the importance of this support not only bilaterally but also within regional formats such as the Slavkov Trilateral and the Visegrad Group. He highlighted the successful development of economic and trade relations, stating that enhancing economic cooperation with Slovakia will be a priority in the coming period.

Ambassador Markus reiterated Slovakia’s strong support for the country’s EU accession process and expressed confidence that Slovakia would continue to advocate for the country’s progress towards full EU membership.