Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski announced that the foundation stone for a new investment in the country is expected to be laid during the first week of September.

“I expect that in the first week of September, we will lay the foundation stone for a new investment, which will once again demonstrate our commitment to the work we are doing as the Government. I want to thank the previous government for their efforts on this investment, but it was necessary to change the government to make this investment a reality,” Mickoski said yesterday.

Mickoski also mentioned that the foundation stone for the company “Ipsotek” will be laid very soon.

“We announced the company ‘Ipsotek’ when we became the government. In a few weeks, we put this investment into operation. The latest update I have is that the Commission for the Protection of Competition has given its opinion, and very soon, in a few weeks, we will lay the foundation stone for this institution. Additionally, there are two permanent company investments that I expect to be confirmed by the end of the year. These are major companies already present in our country, with huge investments that will significantly impact our GDP,” Mickoski said.

He also mentioned that negotiations are underway for a new investment worth 150 million euros, for which Macedonia is in close competition with a European Union member state that was formerly part of the Eastern bloc.

Mickoski further informed that the legal framework for profit tax for multinational companies consolidating profits of over 50 million euros will be adopted very soon.

There are still many details to finalize, but in the next month or two, I believe this law will be presented in a government session and then proceed to parliamentary procedure. This will position us as the country with by far the lowest tax rate in Europe, and possibly in the world,Mickoski stated.