VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, published new data from the series in which he reveals how Macedonia, its citizens and ELEM, today’s ESM, are being robbed:

What is the relationship between ELEM/ESM, the Albanian state-owned energy company KESH, the company ETMT Energy DOOEL Skopje (a favorite buyer of ELEM/ESM’s surplus electricity) and the company from Tirana ENERTRADE?

The common denominator that connects all these entities is corruption and damage to the citizens of Macedonia. How?

Namely, ESM/ELEM issues a call for the sale of night surplus electricity for the period from August 30 to September 6, from 2 am to 7 am in a total amount of 2000 MWh.

The Albanian state-owned energy company KESH also issued a call for the purchase of electricity for the period from August 29 to September 4 according to a similar profile as that of ELEM/ESM in a total amount of 2100 MWh.

The price at which night surpluses are sold to the company ETMT Energy dooel Skopje is 337/MWh (picture 1), and the price at which the Albanian state-owned energy company KESH buys the electricity according to a similar profile is 525.55 €/MWh.

If the cross-border capacities for August and September from Macedonia to Kosovo and from Kosovo to Albania are included in the price, which in total amount to 9.17 €/MWh for August, and 15.65 €/MWh for September, then the total cost for the electricity purchased in Macedonia including cross-border facilities and bank charges (1%) for the period from August 30 to September 4 and profile from 2am to 6 am, amount to about €350,000, and the same electricity in Albania is sold for €525,550. The difference in the price of the electricity bought in Macedonia, transferred to Albania and sold there is about 10,800.000 denars.

Is the ELEM/ESM surplus buyer company, ETMT Energy DOOEL Skopje, related to the company, ENERTRADE from Tirana, Albania, which is the fastest growing company in the electricity trade and supply market in Albania and with its representative offices in the region as well as in Slovenia and Hungary?

The answer is YES, through the person Artur Mickaj who is the owner of 50% of ENERTRADE Albania, but also of 50% of ETMT Tirana, Albania.

Conclusion: Macedonia, the citizens and ELEM/ESM in just 20 hours have been damaged for close to 10,800.000 denars and instead of the surpluses being offered to the economy that pays according to HUPX electricity and struggles convulsively to survive and keep the workers, the money is stolen and ends up in private pockets.