The new government’s dedication to achieving full membership in the European Union was reaffirmed during meetings with EU officials, said Timcho Mucinski, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, concluding a government delegation’s working visit to Brussels, led by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski.

We will continue to work positively and deliver results, as the EU expects progress in areas such as the rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, good governance, and addressing other significant shortcomings in our country,” Mucinski emphasized.

He highlighted that the government’s efforts over the past three months have been focused on meeting EU standards and finding solutions to the challenges hindering the country’s accession negotiations.

“In that regard, today was highly productive. The dialogue with EU institutions and member states will continue,” he added.

Regarding the “French proposal plus,” which involves adopting constitutional amendments with delayed effect, Mucinski acknowledged that these issues were discussed with EU officials, and that talks will persist. “What we are communicating publicly is exactly what we are addressing in these meetings: that past poor decisions have created challenges. We are committed to protecting our national interests while ensuring a clear path toward full EU membership, and we believe that with goodwill and concrete solutions, every challenge can be overcome,” he affirmed.

Mucinski, alongside Minister of European Affairs Orhan Murtezani, joined Prime Minister Mickoski in Thursday’s discussions with European Council President Charles Michel, EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, and DG NEAR Director-General Gert Jan Koopman. The Prime Minister, along with other Western Balkan leaders, also attended a working lunch hosted by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Earlier in the day, Minister Mucinski met with NATO’s outgoing Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Alliance’s headquarters. Mucinski expressed his gratitude for Stoltenberg’s significant contributions to Euro-Atlantic security, presenting him with a plaque in recognition of his achievements.