VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Mile Lefkov revealed additional details about the growing scandal involving First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi from the DUI party. According to Lefkov, Grubi was questioned about his brother Veton’s recent purchase of a large commercial property in downtown Skopje, and he insisted that it was bought with a credit of 82,000 EUR.

Grubi was caught in a tight spot. The difference between the price he cites and the realistic value of the property is fivefold. A credit line of 82,000 EUR for 127 square meters in downtown Skopje, on Macedonia street, is unrealistic. The question is, where did the rest of the money come from? Did somebody just give the Grubi family a property worth half a million EUR for less than 100,000 EUR and why would someone do that? This is either a case of tax evasion, where the remainder of the realistic price was paid out in cash, or if there was some other secretive deal made to compensate Artan Grubi for some service, Lefkov said.

Lefkov noted that there is a criminal act that bans hiding disproportionately acquired wealth that far surpasses the salary of a public official.