Jovan Donev, a university professor and former ambassador to London, talked on the “Zaspij ako mozes” show about the non-paper that was leaked Monday and what has been agreed between the Macedonian and Bulgarian sides.

First of all, the Macedonian side, knowing who was in Berlin and who gave the instructions, will accept everything it can, thinking it can sell it to the Macedonian public as a success of the Macedonian diplomacy. Do not think that the Macedonian side will take its side, its position, we have not seen such a position, we have not seen this government taking a position on any issue for 4 years.  So, whether the Macedonian language has been codified in 1945 or later, it is just a good cover up for Zoran Zaev and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to say that we have won and there is nothing else here. I do not expect that Macedonia came up with some proposal, said Donev.