This government is a threat to democracy in Macedonia. And they know that, that’s why they treat the Afghans like this, they court them so that they are not attacked more severely by some foreign power, they do not care what the Macedonians or the citizens of Macedonia think about the government, they are not interested in that at all. That is why they behave like that, university professor and former ambassador Jovan Donev, said Monday on TV Alfa’s “Sto ne e jasno” show about the SDSM government and the decision of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to accept 650 Afghan refugees in Macedonia.

Donev pointed out that the United States did not ask for such a decision, but that the SDSM government and Zaev offered themselves, commenting that two to three months ago at a meeting with the foreign ministers of Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania, foreign policy coordination was agreed. pointing out that he believes that Macedonia should not have entered into such combinations because it has opened other issues that can affect the security.