Education Minister Mila Carovska was roundly criticized on her social media accounts after her today’s appearance at the honoring of Ss. Cyril and Methodius.

It wasn’t anything Carovska said – she delivered a bland and typical post honoring the saints who spread Christianity and literacy among the Slavic nations – but more what she is doing in the education. She is working hard to rewrite Macedonian history and other textbooks, to insert positions favored by neighboring countries that undermine the Macedonian national identity, and to infuse them with far left positions of family and other social issues – in line with her previous work in the Hera NGO which is the main advocacy group for abortion on demand in Macedonia.

The work that the sacred brothers Cyril and Methodius, as authors of the first Slavic alphabet, ranks as a prescious civilizational heritage for the Macedonian people and for all Slavic peoples, and it entices us to think and act ithout prejudices, to nurture our values and respect those of others, Carovska said.

The response was largely negative. “These are our Macedonian enlighteners, not of the North state. You Northerners are destroying our education”, was one typical comment, condemning Carovska for the imposed name change into “North Macedonia”, which includes wholesale redefining of the Macedonian national identity. Other comments were aimed at her radical leftist policies.

The sacred brothers Cyril and Methodius were not in favor of for your LGBTI ideology and believed that there were only two genders – male and female, a commenter noted, after the far left official visited a monument dedicated to the two Christian apostles.