The fire that erupted on the Goten mountain, between the villages of Pokrajcevo and Zleovo in the municipality of Radovis, is still burning and is spreading towards the municipality of Vasilevo, the Mayor of Radovis, Gerasim Konzulov informed.

Army helicopters have been engaged in the fire fighting since Wednesday, and today Mayor Konzulov is requesting to include troops, besides the teams of the Protection and Rescue Directorate, PE “National Forests” from the Radovis, Strumica, Stip and Kocani branches well as firefighters from TPPE Radovis.

Army troops must also be engaged, as this fire has started to spread to the territory of the Strumica region, ie to the municipality of Vasilevo. The blaze is large and the situation is very complex due to inaccessible terrain, says Radovis Mayor Gerasim Konzulov.

He added that they had information that the fire was constantly caused by irresponsible citizens. So far in the blaze, which has been burning for ten days, about 200 hectares of forest have been burned.