We gathered here in front of the Tetovo District Court to express our rage because of the manipulations and distortion of the judicial process concerning the September 8, 2021, tragedy when 14 co-citizens burned alive, the protesters stated on Wednesday.

They added that in five years the country faced four tragedies, 97  victims, and zero days of prison for anyone.

“That is why trust in the judicial system is almost zero in this country. Citizens’ lives are subject to horsetrading and tenders without criteria. Now it became obvious that corruption kills. The process also proved that the Public Prosecution and the courts are allied with the criminal associations that took the country hostage, partaking in their crimes and protecting them. We demand from the Government immediately decommission Prosecutor Ljubomir Jovevski and all his colleagues who took part in this monstrous deed and indict all of them for their part in the crime. We demand that the real perpetrators be prosecuted, including the politicians who illegally allocated the construction tender to the BRAKO company. No justice, no peace”, the protesters in Tetovo stated.