Hristijan Mickoski, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, clarified that there hadn’t been any undisclosed meetings with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. He expressed willingness to engage in a public discussion if invited, particularly concerning the caretaker government alignment. Mickoski emphasized the unsuitability of Talat Xhaferi for VMRO-DPMNE’s support in any capacity, suggesting the party might opt to abstain from voting in the interest of transparency and democratic principles.

He underscored his stance against secretive discussions, highlighting the importance of public awareness in such matters. Mickoski mentioned his eagerness for open dialogues, citing previous attempts for such meetings that had been initially rebuffed. He also indicated that decisions regarding VMRO-DPMNE’s involvement in the caretaker government are his personal views, awaiting formal discussion and decisions by the party’s official bodies.

Regarding the prospective meeting with Kovachevski on the caretaker government, Mickoski noted that its timing would depend on the organizer, the PM, hinting that the decision would precede any determination on VMRO-DPMNE’s participation.

Referring to Kovachevski’s prior statement about the forthcoming meeting, Mickoski reiterated his stance that Xhaferi lacks VMRO-DPMNE’s backing for the caretaker prime minister role or any other support. He emphasized the potential party decision to abstain from voting, reiterating that it remains his personal stance until the party’s official stance is established through its governing bodies.