Following the publication of Transparency International’s latest report where Macedonia dropped 5 places on the corruption index, the opposition is demanding the resignation of the entire government.

The report of Transparency International confirmed the incompetence of SDSM. Today, the report of Transparency International announced that Macedonia is on 111th place, falling to the historically lowest point, which is a drop of 45 places during the rule of Zoran Zaev. The report of Transparency International confirms that SDSM are international criminals, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Thursday.

The analysis of the rule of different coalition partners in Macedonia in the last 18 years shows that the highest level of corruption occurs when the SDSM / DUI coalition is in power.

Macedonia had a catastrophic level of corruption with the SDSM/DUI government from 2002 to 2006 and the numbers that are close to the hundredth position in the ranking of “Transparency International” are repeated from 2017 onward when SDSM and DUI are again in power.

During the rule of VMRO-DPMNE and DUI from 2008 to 2016, the level of corruption is far lower than when SDSM and DUI are in power.

The initial analysis of these facts indicates that DUI rules with SDSM, there are no control systems, but also the possibility of SDSM with its corruption or failure to take measures dramatically increases the level of corruption.

The map of the level of corruption between 2002 and 2020 gives DUI a partial right to claim that the responsibility for the catastrophe with corruption lies with SDSM.