Beset by major corruption allegations, a mafia style killing of mobsters with ties to his party and ahead of the signing of a 1.3 billion EUR highway contract with Bechtel – First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi chose to entertain himself yesterday by playing mini football and basketball with other DUI party officials.

In the lavish offices of the department, Grubi has set up a small goal and hoop – to mark, as he says, the decision of the Government to put under his mandate the Youth and Sports Agency. A group of ministers, including Fatmir Besimi (finance), Bujar Osmani (foreign affairs), Kreshnik Bekteshi (economy), Jeton Shaqiri (education) and Naser Nuredini (outgoing environment minister) joined Grubi for what he called a “dream team match”. The move was seen as Grubi’s attempt to solidify his image as heir apparent to Ali Ahmeti in the DUI party, as a large faction pushes for his ouster.