The coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group, Nikola Micevski, asked at Wednesday’s session why instead of explanations why the ministers were changed, we only heard about how the government is “shining”.
I see the point of dismissal of ministers that the prime minister explained in his exposé as a paid political program because we expected to hear why the ministers were changed, but we only heard about how this government is shining. The paradox to be even bigger, in the year of the economy proclaimed by this government, we are changing the Minister of Finance, Tevdovski. We expected to hear how the economy shines, but also why is Tevdovski changed today? We expected to hear why in a situation when this government says that our culture is at the highest level, we are changing the Minister of Culture, who by the way, one supervisory work that was requested by the opposition MPs even though there was one extension, you did not allow to continue according to the dynamics of the program that was adopted by the Ministry of Culture, stressed Micevski.
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