After the suspension of prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska, the preliminary investigations into at least two cases involving two SDSM officials, “Besa Trans” and the financial police in which Arafat Muaremi is being prosecuted, are suspended.

The news portal writes that the collection of evidence in the preliminary investigation into Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski, who waited 3.5 months to ban the operation of the station where the “Besa Trans” bus was examined, in which 46 passengers died in Bulgaria, is nearing its end.


The preliminary investigation into the work of the Director of the Financial Police Administration, Arafat Muaremi, was also ongoing. After the suspension of the head of the Prosecutor’s Office for the Prosecution of Organized Crime and Corruption, Vilma Ruskovska, it is not known for now which prosecutor will lead these cases, writes the news portal, which reveals scandalous findings of the investigation that go directly to Interior Minister, Oliver Spasovski.

Criminal law professor Gordan Kalajdziev explained that instead of state prosecutor Joveski supporting Ruskovska to clean up the crime, he stood on the other side.