The Institute for Political Research -Skopje (IPIS) conducted a short poll in the period between July 2- 5, 2020 with 1,087 adult respondents at the level of the Republic of Macedonia. In the poll, citizens expressed their views on their support for political parties and politicians.

In order to preserve the relevance and impartiality of the research, an impartial and objective questionnaire was created on the basis of which the poll was later conducted. The research was conducted using a random sample that was stratified to preserve the representativeness of the population in the Republic of Macedonia.

It observed the demographic specifics of the population such as gender structure, age groups, level of education and ethnicity, with appropriate division of respondents by place of residence and regional representation, with Skopje being taken as a separate entity due to its specificity.

These are the results of the poll in relation to the ratings of political parties and politicians, as well as the ratings shown by ethnicity.