Macedonia is facing the largest scandal since it became independent, said Mile Lefkov, an MP and member of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Board. According to him, the scandal related to the abuse of cytostatics and cancer treatment in the Oncology Clinic is a mega scandal.

“Two years ago, VMRO-DPMNE warned that there are suspicious procedures related to the cancer patients’ therapy going on at the Oncology Clinic. SDS government remained silent then. Six months ago the media started reporting on abuses, cancer drug robberies, and reselling of the therapy intended for cancer patients – the Kovachevski’s government remained silent again. During that entire period, the patients received physiological solutions instead of cancer drugs, while the drugs were sold on the black market in Macedonia and abroad”, Lefkov pointed out.

According to him, this is a scandal of monstrous dimensions, going on for at least two – to three years. The scandal, to say the least, was a brutal violation of human rights and the basic values of health protection.

“The SDS/DUI government and their cadres “multiculturally” steal from the school textbooks, steal from the construction of roads, from the state aid and state funds, and to top all of it, they steal the cancer patients’ therapy. That is the misery Macedonia lives under this government. Resignations are the least they can do at this moment”, Lefkov said.