With SDSM and Zoran Zaev, Macedonia became the Balkan Wuhan. In 12 days, the number of infected with Covid-19 has increased by more than 50%, VMRO-DPMNE said in a press release on Saturday.

After Zoran Zaev ordered the Commission on Infectious Diseases and Venko Filipce to be politicians, not doctors, the number of patients every day is over 150. Zoran Zaev did not listen to our advice, nor the advice of experts, so his measures are completely overdue, and we all live with the consequences. SDSM puts itself first and then the citizens, says VMRO-DPMNE.

The party adds that while Macedonia is sinking into the pandemic, Zaev, instead of thinking about how to subside the pandemic first and protect the citizens and the economy, he only thinks of himself.

Thousands of families have reduced incomes. The economy is sinking. Exports have decreased, and Zaev has no plans for the future. We are just sinking with SDSM. VMRO-DPMNE is different from SDSM. With SDSM, we only got a hybrid regime, crime, corruption and poverty, the party said.