The Macedonian and Hungarian people, Macedonian and Hungarian citizens are bound by deep-rooted friendship and mutual respect. Over the years, our nations have shown that despite geographical distance, shared values ​​and visions are also key to building strong relationships. Hungary has always supported us, both in difficult times and in efforts for our European integration. Today, through specific initiatives and agreements, that friendship continues to strengthen, creating solid foundations for our future joint cooperation. History bears witness to our common pursuit of peace, prosperity and cooperation. In the past, Hungary was one of our first partners that recognized Macedonian aspirations for independence and sovereignty. For years, the political and economic ties between the two countries have been deepening, and today’s meetings only confirm our strategic alliance. Hungary is not only our partner in the European scene, but also an example of how a country can successfully balance national sovereignty with global integration – pointed out Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski at today’s press conference with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, who together with his delegation is on a two-day official visit to our country.

Mickoski pointed out that Hungary has always been a strong supporter of the enlargement of the European Union and of our aspirations for full membership.

We share the common vision with our Hungarian friends for an integrated Balkans, where all the countries of the region will be part of the big European family. This vision does not only refer to political and economic integrations, but also to our common cultural and historical bond, which is key to the stability of the entire Balkan Peninsula. I believe that with the support of Hungary and our other allies, the Balkans will take their rightful place in the European Union – Mickoski said.

The Prime Minister further added:

Today we had a constructive tete-a-tete meeting, where we discussed a wide range of topics of bilateral and regional importance. We share a common vision for regional stability and economic prosperity, and today’s talks were focused on specific projects that will encourage the development of our municipalities and businesses.

In addition, we discussed strategic projects such as the North-South transport and energy corridor, which connects the Balkans with Hungary, which is of great importance for the energy security and economic growth of the entire region, and our cooperation with Hungary will be key to the successful implementation of these initiatives.

On behalf of the Government and on my own behalf, I want to thank Prime Minister Orbán for his support and friendship.

Hungary is an example of how strong bilateral relations and shared vision can bring concrete results.

I believe that this visit will contribute to an even stronger partnership and to new opportunities for cooperation, which we will realize in the interest of the citizens.