DUI holds PM Kovacevski hostage, because they are the real masters of the Government, masters of the crime, and masters of other people’s destinies, the VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said on Monday.

“And that is why I am standing here, telling you that I will do anything in my power to send DUI in opposition. Therefore, I am prepared to make a pact on national and state unity with all not criminalized segments of all political parties, regardless of their provenience, only to put DUI in opposition after 20 years in power. When they go to opposition, it will dawn for Macedonia, we will succeed. I will repeat: this is a pact with not criminalized segments, while the criminals will face the justice. Such a pact will be a good foundation to support us though the coming challenges and in our fight for a fair chance”, Mickoski said.