VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, together with the vice-presidents Aleksandar Nikoloski and Vlado Misajlovski, met Wednesday with the new Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Republic of Macedonia, Matthew Lawson.

Mickoski welcomed and congratulated him on his appointment to the position and expressed his gratitude for the continued support from the United Kingdom, stressing that in the interest of the state and citizens, deepening cooperation and good relations between the two countries is necessary.

The meeting discussed the current political and economic situation, as well as the energy crisis.

Mickoski said that the government mismanages the institutions, and that is one of the reasons why Macedonia is facing the energy crisis, explaining that if a plan is made in time to modernize the production facilities at its disposal, then Macedonia, instead of being an import-dependent country, will have enough electricity to export.

In terms of foreign policy, Mickoski informed Ambassador Lawson that VMRO-DPMNE is a party of the people and works exclusively in the interest of the citizens and for the preservation of state and national interests, indicating that it has a vision, a plan and specific policies that will advance the Republic of Macedonia on the right path.

Mickoski thanked Ambassador Lawson for the meeting and emphasized that he hopes such meetings will continue in the future with the goal of fruitful cooperation.