VMRO-DPMNE enters these elections as the favorite and I have said on several occasions that the candidate of VMRO-DPMNE will lead in the first round before the candidate of DUI and SDS by approximately 100,000 votes. There is no reason why we should boycott them, the other question is what are the challenges that Macedonia will face in the following period, which are related to that electoral process and the parliamentary elections, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, in the guest appearance of “Radio Leader”.

Mickoski emphasizes that if the elections are not successful, because there are fingerprint terminals, there is no filling of boxes like in the past, and there are not as before 25-30% of the voters present and the turnout is 90% or 97% as it was in some places during the referendum, then it can to enter into a continuous process of elections and the state will not stand it. Mickoski pointed out that the current government behaves irresponsibly towards the state and its resources, and their plan is to go with a joint candidate, who will nominate DUI, because DUI and Ahmeti decide, and SDS behaves like a scoundrel and thinks they will win and after two months they will go to the parliamentary ones. Mickoski pointed out that the government runs away from dialogue both from the leadership and from the dialogue in the Assembly, and important processes are following us. Mickoski emphasizes that if you don’t think that they will play and there will be conditions, or a technical government like that of Spasovski and decrees are passed, parliament will be suspended, that will not happen.