Probably on Thursday, the president of the state, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, will give the mandate to form a new government to the president of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, party sources inform MIA. The deadline for submitting the mandate ends on June 7, when the twenty days for forming a government begin.

President Siljanovska Davkova told the media today that it is possible to grant the mandate for the formation of a new government earlier.VMRO-DPMNE, Vredi and ZNAM are still discussing the formation of a new government, although the division of departments has already been announced, and the names of the new ministers are being unofficially mentioned. However, there is still no official information on when the final agreement on the formation of the government will be finalized. What is clear is that if Siljanovska Davkova grants the mandate on June 6, the 20 days for the formation of the Government will be June 25. Party sources for MIA say that the Parliament could vote for the new government even earlier.

Preparations are being made in the Parliament for amendments to the new Law on the organization of the work of the state administration bodies and according to it, the new reorganized government will be voted in and its members will be elected. Bearing in mind that the changes should pass the parliamentary filter, today the Commission for Elections and Appointments voted on the composition of the Commission for Political System and Relations between Communities and the Legislative – Legal Commission. However, in order to adopt the amendments to this law, a two-thirds majority is needed, which according to the current mathematics, the majority is not there.

It is also possible to amend the Law on Local Self-Government and the Electoral Code, in order to find a transitional solution, not to call elections for only a few months’ term, that is, until the holding of local elections in the entire country next year, in those municipalities where mayors they have already become members of parliament and will become ministers. Changes to these system laws require a two-thirds majority.

After yesterday’s first coordination of the President of the Assembly Afrim Gashi with the coordinators of the parliamentary groups, his Cabinet announced that by the end of the working week a session could be expected to be convened for the verification of the remaining two parliamentary mandates.