While we are waiting for vaccines, there isn’t, and then there is a case of the UK coronavirus variant in the country? The difference in the different claims is 5 days.

The government of Zoran Zaev is without a compass, unfortunately to the detriment of the health of the citizens, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski.

Додека чекаме вакцини, нема, па има британски сој на #COVID во земјава?

Разликата во различните тврдења е 5 дена.

Власта на Зоран Заев е без компас, за жал на штета на здравјето на граѓаните.

Posted by Hristijan Mickoski on Wednesday, 27 January 2021

The Ministry of Health said Wednesday an analysis of data from COVID-19 patients in January has shown that a sample from a private laboratory within the Zan Mitrev Clinic detected the UK variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

It is more and more certain that the Macedonian citizens will remain closed to the rest of the world for a long time and that this 2021 will pass waiting for the government to do its job. While the whole region has already started vaccinating the medical staff, the elderly and the chronically ill, and in Serbia, ordinary citizens are already receiving the first  dose of the vaccine, in Macedonia there is still no concrete plan for the whole process.

The government, which pretends to be transparent, gives misleading and fake statements every day about the procurement of the vaccines.