I am often perplexed by the Government’s amateur approach to essential and important issues for the citizens and for Macedonia. And every time I think they’ve reached the bottom, they push even deeper, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickovski responded to a reporter’s question regarding the constitutional amendments.

The so-called Commission on Constitutional Amendments adopted on Friday the draft initiative for constitutional amendments.

“Most importantly, they spend the citizens’ money opportunistically. These experts will receive money from the Budget for something that they have no mandate to do. They may obtain their mandate only if the Parliament votes positively on the need to open the Constitution. If the Parliament doesn’t approve the need in the first phase, which is what will happen, then their work is pointless. And the per diems they receive from you, the citizens will, actually, be an abuse of the citizen’s financial assets”, MIckovski stressed.

“I will use this opportunity to call on both, the person who just fills the position of PM, Dimitar Kovacevski, and the man who really runs the Government, Artan Grubi, to submit the initiative to open the Constitution to the Parliament, so the MPs can vote on it. But, if they lose, they should resign immediately”, Mickovski challenged the ruling parties.