Newly constructed and in-progress buildings along the stretch between Boris Trajkovski Boulevard and Mihail Chakov, as well as Narodni Heroes and Lazar Dimitrov streets, will soon be connected to the district heating system.

According to ESM Heat Energy Distribution, the company’s new director, Petar Miletić, recently held a meeting with key stakeholders to address the issue of connecting these buildings to the central heating network. This development will ensure that the residential and commercial properties in the area benefit from steam heating once the secondary heat pipeline is constructed.

Due to the laxity and irresponsibility of the previous management, the heat pipe was not implemented for several years, but finally the new management found an understanding and a solution to this problem by building a new secondary heat pipe. With the construction of the secondary heat pipe, conditions will be created for connection to the central heating system. The investors of the facilities, according to their obligations, will finally be able to complete the procedure for connecting the facilities to the central heating system – say ESM

Pursuant to Building Approval no. 13-2942/3 dated 24.07.2024 and valid from 03.09.2024 issued by the Municipality of Kisela Voda, ESM Distribution of Thermal Energy LLC Skopje will start construction of a new secondary heat pipe A3.010 from existing shaft 010 on the AZ pipe section 005 for planned buildings according to DUP J13 for the neighborhood “11th Oktomvri”, Skopje.