The Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Transport and Communications Aleksandar Nikoloski responded today with a reaction to, as he says, “the latest hysteria created by some of the failed Bulgarian politicians”. The reason for his reaction is the request of GERB leader Boyko Borisov, who asked Nikoloski to resign.

Macedonia is unnecessarily brought into pre-election topics in Bulgaria, and at least I think that Macedonia can be the answer to the seventh failed elections that Bulgaria is facing. The crisis in the Bulgarian society was created by these very politicians who, instead of giving an answer to the domestic public about the high level of corruption and crime in Bulgaria, about the bad economy because of which many are leaving, they want to deal with Macedonia.

Their dealings with Macedonia, in fact, show that they neither want good neighborliness, nor do they want Macedonia to become a member of the European Union, let alone advance towards the European Union,” says Nikoloski.

Nikoloski asks if he wanted to send a message that they do not recognize Macedonia, which is perhaps their long-standing dream. It is a pity that the good relations between the two close peoples, the Macedonian and the Bulgarian people, are destroyed by corrupt politicians who cannot do anything for their own country, except to bring anger and hatred.

And that is why my reaction is like this and that is why I will continue. and VMRO-DPMNE to defend Macedonian national interests. Our goal is for Macedonia to progress, to become a member of the European Union, to walk the path to the European Union, but to do so with pride and dignity, not humiliated.

We will always defend Macedonian national interests. We are not looking for anything else, but we want to protect ours”, says Nikoloski’s reaction.