Residents of the Skopje neighborhood Singelic, who returned from Italy, escaped through the window when medical teams came to check on them after a report from neighbors. The medics waited two hours for them to return, but the didn’t. The information also reached the Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, who answering a reporter’s question in relation to the case at a press conference said such and similar cases are handled by the services that are informed about everything.

The reporter also pointed out that there were such cases in the Struga villages as well as in Skopje’s Lisice.

I get a lot of that kind of information. We always report it to the competent services, first to the local public health center and, if necessary, the police. I cannot comment on specific cases of what was happening. What we have paid attention to is the action of the Struga police department for good coordination in that region. Oktisi, Labunista, etc. These are places where there has been intense communication with people from Debar and the surrounding area before, Filipce said.