A Government delegation led by Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski attends the NATO summit in Washington DC. Mickoski will have a large number of bilateral meetings during the summit, but it’s still unclear whether he will meet with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who launched a series of attacks on Mickoski over the imposed Prespa Treaty.

So far there are is information about a possible bilatereal meeting with Mitsotakis. International gatherings, summits, are places where you can conduct diplomacy. It is necessary that we have a new approach toward protecting the interests of all citizens, negotiating and especially advancing relations in all areas, on the basis of mutual respect and the building of friendly bridges, said VMRO-DPMNE officila Mile Lefkov.

Mickoski already met with business representatives who are planning investments in Macedonia, representatives of the Macedonian diaspora and gave remarks at the Johns Hopkins school of international studies in DC.