Crisis situation for a step back in the fight against COVID. Eight months ago, I proposed the introduction of a state of crisis, primarily because it is regulated by law, without the possibility of broad interpretations, or with less chance of abuse, VMRO-DPMNE leader wrote on Facebook.

Mickoski says that then Zaev’s answer was that a crisis situation will not achieve the desired effects, while Stevo Pendarovski said that the engagement of the army and resources does not require a crisis situation and that the state does not have the resources to declare a crisis situation on the entire country.

Moreover, then the declaration of a state of emergency that is not precisely regulated gave them the opportunity for mass abuses ahead of the elections, legalized bribery in the form of vouchers, subsidies, grants, which were direct bribes, not aid, he said.

Today, when the money has been spent, 2 billion euros have been spent, the Covid crisis did not subside, they came to my position that a crisis situation is needed, he added.

And I assure you that the crisis will not be used for a real fight against Covid, but to fool the public that they are doing something, while the pandemic will continue to take lives due to incompetence, reading all those testimonies of the personal tragedies of people who lose their loved ones, Mickoski said.

Moreover, he added, how come there a need for a crisis situation, and Zaev is pushing for elections in Stip and Plasnica in the midst of the crisis.

According to Mickoski, Stevo is playing Russian roulette with people’s lives and does not have any problem making bombshell statements inspired by his mentor Zaev.