The request to hold a referendum submitted by the Levica political party was not prepared in accordance with the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure, and the question was posed inappropriately, according to Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi.

Examining your “Request for launching a citizen’s initiative at the state level to call a mandatory additional referendum”, I found that the request was not prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, and in particular Article 135 thereof, and the question asked refers to an improperly asked question due to the fact that the conclusions are not a general legal act, law or constitution, the same by its nature and content are a position that directs the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in its actions, Xhaferi stated tonight in a statement in response to Levica’s initiative to hold a referendum.

The Parliament Speaker also demands that the proposer complies with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament within the stipulated period.

On October 7, the Levica political party submitted to the Parliament an initiative to launch a mandatory and additional referendum at the state level on the referendum question “Are you in favor of continuing the negotiations with the EU by accepting the parliamentary conclusions of July 16, 2022?”. The party collected 750 signatures, which it handed over to the parliamentary archive with the rest of the materials.