The parliamentary session to elect the new government will continue tomorrow. In the afternoon debate, MP Boban Karapejovski from the Movement ZNAM – For Our Macedonia emphasized that the election of the government should be a solemn occasion. He stressed that it is time to elect a new generation that will improve the state for the well-being and salvation of the country.

Karapejovski stated that today’s task is to choose individuals who will implement new policies and elevate the political culture in Parliament. He believes that constructive criticism should be acknowledged, and the government should be given the support and space to fulfill its mandate.

Regarding the government’s staffing, Karapejovski expressed hope that the opposition will support the government’s program, demonstrating their commitment to building the state in the coming period. He highlighted that the proposed government consists of individuals with strong backgrounds and unquestionable ethical and professional capacities.

Karapejovski reiterated ZNAM’s commitment to their pre-election promises, particularly in the areas of justice and public administration. He emphasized their dedication to zero tolerance for crime and corruption, ensuring the rule of law, and maintaining citizens’ security through a stable political system.

He also expressed satisfaction with the government’s focus on supporting scientific research, promoting the Macedonian language, and protecting cultural heritage. As someone from the field of higher education and science, he welcomed these commitments and stressed the importance of increasing funding for education and science.

Karapejovski concluded by stating that ZNAM supports the government and believes in the realization of its program and strategic principles. He emphasized that the proposal deserves a chance to be implemented, with full commitment and assistance for the common good.

MP Sadula Duraku from the European Front criticized the election of Ivan Stoiljkovic as the deputy prime minister in charge of relations with communities. He argued that Albanian parties should not allow “a man of Russia and Serbia” to represent Albanian interests in Macedonia.

MP Antonio Miloshoski from VMRO-DPMNE, a former head of diplomacy, highlighted the importance of continuing the strategic partnership with the USA to protect the country’s global interests.

The parliamentary session to elect the new government continues tomorrow. During the debate, MP Boban Karapejovski from the Movement ZNAM – For Our Macedonia emphasized the importance of this election as a solemn occasion and called for a new generation to take charge for the betterment of the country.

Karapejovski advocated for the election of individuals who will elevate political culture in Parliament, recognizing constructive criticism while giving the government the space to fulfill its mandate. He expressed hope that the opposition would support the government’s program, demonstrating a commitment to state-building. He highlighted the strong ethical and professional backgrounds of the proposed government members.

Karapejovski reiterated ZNAM’s commitment to their pre-election promises, particularly in justice and public administration, emphasizing zero tolerance for crime and corruption. He was pleased with the government’s focus on supporting scientific research, promoting the Macedonian language, and protecting cultural heritage. He stressed the importance of increased funding for education and science.

Karapejovski concluded by expressing ZNAM’s support for the government, believing in the realization of its strategic principles and project plans. He called for full commitment and assistance in implementing these plans for the common good.

MP Sadula Duraku from the European Front criticized the election of Ivan Stoiljkovic as deputy prime minister in charge of relations with communities, arguing that Albanian parties should not allow “a man of Russia and Serbia” to represent Albanian interests in Macedonia.

MP Antonio Miloshoski from VMRO-DPMNE highlighted the challenges in international politics, particularly regarding Greece and Bulgaria’s approach to Macedonia. He criticized the Prespa Agreement and the Second Protocol, which he believes unnecessarily complicates relations with Bulgaria.

Fatmir Bitici from SDSM argued that the new government’s declarative promises are insufficient for citizens to trust its intentions. He emphasized the need for concrete measures, clear plans, and deadlines, criticizing the proposed program for lacking specifics on salaries and economic improvements.

MP Jaklina Peshevska from VMRO-DPMNE highlighted the shortcomings of the previous government, particularly in healthcare and education, and expressed hope that the new government would bring positive changes. She emphasized the need to address crime and corruption and supported the new government, believing in its potential for change.

Opposition leader Dimitar Kovachevski from SDSM pointed out inconsistencies in the government’s program, particularly regarding economic policies. He noted that the continuation of previous government policies on investments is positive but criticized the inconsistency in VMRO-DPMNE’s stance on state borrowing. He also pointed out that the proposed infrastructure projects are continuations of previous government projects.