Dimitar Apasiev and his Levica party sold out the Macedonian bloc and launched an open campaign against us, to divide the opposition, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement, following Apasiev’s call that the voters must deny VMRO a majority in Parliament at the next elections.

Apasiev fights so that VMRO is left without 61 votes. Apasiev is fighting to soften the defeat SDS and DUI will face. In the municipalities, his council members are helping Dimitar Kovacevski and Ali Ahmeti while attacking VMRO-DPMNE. Apasiev and Levica are acting in direct damage to the interests of the Macedonian nation and have shown to be faithful servants to DUI and SDS. Apasiev pretends to be a patriot, but is in coalition with SDS and DUI, VMRO-DPMNE said in a statement.