The VMRO-DPMNE’s parliamentary group will attend the Macedonian Parliaments’s plenary session on Friday, dedicated to the constitutional amendments, the coordinator of the group, Nikola Micevski said on Wednesday.

Micevski added that the public will be introduced to VMRO-DPMNE’s strategy on this issue immediately after the session begins.

“We will argue our positions as we did at the competent committee’s session. There are no pressures at the moment to give up and vote for the amendments, only support from the citizens to persist”, Micevski said.

He thinks that the procedure and the Parliamentary Rule Book are very clear.

“I hope that the proposal will be put to vote and the entire country will see who are we dealing with. It will be obvious even at the voting on the daily agenda”, Micevski told the reporters.

On August 18, Friday, the Parliament will first have to vote on the daily agenda with only one item – a Proposal to Begin with Constitutional Amendments – for which 61 votes are necessary. Then follows the debate on the proposal.