Oliver Spasovski and Nazim Bushi to resign due to the cover-up of the case involving Bushi’s son, but also because of all the crimes and scandals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, says VMRO-DPMNE.

For who knows how many times we see the cover-up of scandals that are related to high-ranking DUI officials from Spasovski and the Ministry of Interior. The Ministry of Interior and Spasovski are desperately trying to hide this scandal, for fear of breaking the coalition of SDS and DUI. Complete silence from the Ministry of Interior and Spasovski on the issues that interest the public related to the rampage across the streets of Skopje by the son of his deputy in the Ministry of Interior. There are no answers from the deputy chief of the Skopje police department about the Mercedes vehicle that was raging and also driving with illegal flashers, there are no answers why the police officers were manipulated that this vehicle is an official vehicle and not a private vehicle driven by the son of Nazim Bushi. There are no answers from Macedonian Telekom whether this vehicle was sold to Nazim Bushi in order to give it to a company in Bitola that is owned by close relatives of Nazim Bushi. The answers to these questions can be found in the records of the Ministry of Interior, but there is only silence from there. There will be responsibility for this scandal, as well as for many others related to the kidnapped Ministry of the Interior, stressed the opposition party.