According to the latest report of the EC, there is no serious commitment to reforms in Macedonia, says the opposition VMRO-DPMNE.

According to the party, the report notes ad hoc solutions instead of systemic reforms of the legislation.

Namely, this can be noted in the allowing of neo-fascist centers in all Macedonian cities and historical revisionism. The EC clearly notes that decisive efforts are needed to build dynamics for reforms and move forward in the process of negotiations with the EU. A special focus is needed to ensure the effective implementation of the existing legislation, instead of launching ad hoc initiatives, says VMRO-DPMNE.

The party also adds that the Report notes the arbitrariness of (Talat) Xhaferi, and the irresponsibility in the Parliament.

Namely, the EC notes the absence of accountability, which is clearly seen through the multi-month failure to schedule Q&A sessions in the Parliament. Hiding from the opposition and citizens. The report shows that the government, instead of working and devoting itself to reforms, is focusing on strategically wrong goals. And instead of the rule of law, we have the rule of arbitrariness, says the party.