VMRO-DPMNE accused SDSM of gloating after the decision of the European Union to allow Albania to resume its EU accession talks, while leaving Macedonia behind. In a statement, SDSM insists that they were able to solve bilateral disputes with neighboring countries while VMRO-DPMNE now, as SDSM says, “takes the citizens for fools”.

SDS are to blame for the decoupling of Albania for Macedonia. They mired the country in crime for seven years, and now SDS gloats when Macedonia is stuck. SDS worked hard to allow first to put us in the same group with Albania, and then to allow Albania pass us, said VMRO-DPMNE in a statement.

In its own statement, SDSM blamed VMRO-DPMNE of leaving Macedonia without a European perspective. Macedonia is blocked after Bulgaria decided to set difficult conditions before the country, including the inclusion of the Bulgarian minority in the Constitution, without any reciprocal measures for the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, and the thorough rewriting of the Macedonian history. SDSM accepted these demands, but did not have the votes in Parliament to adopt them, to which Bulgaria introduced a veto against Macedonia’s EU accession.