As the Zaev regime is trying to deflect its responsibility for the deadly fire in Tetovo, that killed 15 people in a makeshift Covid hospital set up under a crony contract, the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party came out with a list of 12 questions that VMRO says need to be answered.

Who is to blame for the fact that our country has the highest Covid mortality rate in Europe? Why are there no clear Covid treatment protocols? Who is to blame for the lack of staff in the hospitals, that forced relatives to stay with the patients and care for them? Who is to blame for the long period when we lacked vaccines? Why wasn’t there a final clearance to put the Tetovo hospital into use? Why wasn’t it equipped with fire extinguishers? Who decided to use a flammable insulation material?, are some of the questions.

The opposition party demands resignations from Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, his Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce, and Filipce’s deputy Hasani.