Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski stated on Friday that the Constitutional Court’s rulings, including the recent decision to temporarily freeze the ‘Balancer’, should not be subject to public debate.

“Sometimes we may agree with the rulings, and sometimes we may not, but I believe they should not be commented on,” Mickoski said when asked about the court’s decision.

Regarding the response from the ethnic Albanian bloc and government coalition partners, Mickoski noted that their reaction aligns with previous discussions.

“Yes, I saw their reaction. It is consistent with what we have discussed in the past, particularly that promotions and employment should be based on quality, which is something we have always advocated for,” Mickoski said during a street reconstruction event in Shtip.

He added that while the court’s decision is not yet final, it has temporarily frozen part of the law until a final ruling is made.

“I still maintain that the decisions of the Constitutional Court should not be commented on,” Mickoski reiterated.
Photo by Mia