Exit polls published in Britain show that Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party is on track to win a huge majority in the general elections.

Projections place the Tories at over 360 votes in Parliament, well above the number required to maintain control over the Government and ensure that Britain leaves the European Union under Johnson’s plan. The Labour party is suffering a dramatic drop in support, and is projected to win about 190 seats. The party did not form a clear position for or against leaving the EU, and bled votes to the openly pro-remain Liberal Democrats.. The Conservatives were, meanwhile, able to absorb much of the Brexit party, which will likely win no seats in the election.

Johnson used the elections to purge remainers from the Conservative Party, meaning that his majority will likely be not only far greater but also more loyal to the Brexit cause.

Besides Brexit, the elections were fought over Labour allegations that the Tories want to privatize the public healthcare service NHS, and over growing anti-Semitism within Labour ranks.