Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 14.01.22 | 15:28

Bulgaria is trying to portray all Communist era dissidents in Macedonia as Bulgarians

Even as the governments in Sofia and Skopje keep hidden their recent exchanges on a number of historic demands, PressingTV reports that the Bulgarian demands include an attempt to write the narrative on the Communist era persecution of dissidents in former Yugoslavia, and to declare all who were arrested...

Macedonia 14.01.22 | 15:03

US Embassy in Sofia denies reports that it raised the issue of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria

The US Embassy in Bulgaria issued a statement on how the recent comment from US official Gabriel Escobar was received in Bulgaria. In a Voice of America interview, Escobar was cited as saying that “the US and the US Embassy in Sofia are working with the Bulgarian Government on the issues of respecting...

Macedonia 13.01.22 | 16:00

A day after his dire warning, Nikola Dimitrov calls on the EU not to allow Macedonia to suffer another defeat

A day after his ominous warnings that Macedonia faces pressure to accept major new concessions to Bulgaria that will undermine the Macedonian national identity, outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov appeared in the Parliament, before the National Council for European Integration, to discuss...

Macedonia 13.01.22 | 13:57

Open letter calls on Macedonia to rejects Bulgarian “blackmail” and refuses demands to rewrite its history and national identity

A group of activists and professors from Macedonia have issued a joint statement strongly denouncing the Bulgarian demands for rewriting and redefining of Macedonian history and national identity. The group, which includes a number of leaders of the 2015 Colored Revolution, which installed the Zaev regime...

Macedonia 13.01.22 | 13:01

President Pendarovski called off his meeting with representatives of ethnic Macedonians from Bulgaria

President Stevo Pendarovski called off the meeting with representatives of Macedonian organizations from Bulgaria that he was scheduling for the coming days. Pendarovski announced the meeting after Bulgarian President Rumen Radev met with representatives of ethnic Bulgarians in Macedonia. But Bulgaria...

Macedonia 12.01.22 | 11:40

Karakacanov insults Macedonians as “rubes”

Bulgarian nationalist politician and former Deputy Prime Minister Krasimir Karakacanov issued a new insult aimed at Macedonians. In his latest remarks, he calls on Macedonians to accept Bulgarian demands if they want to join the EU and calls us “rubes”. We are in EU and NATO. We outlined...

Macedonia 12.01.22 | 10:16

US diplomat Escobar says that they are in contact with France in an attempt to get the Bulgarian veto lifted

US State Department official Gabriel Escobar told VOA that the US are in talks with France to see if that country can help Macedonia open its EU accession talks sooner. France took over the rotating presidency of the European Union and, after it blocked Macedonia from opening EU accession talks in 2019,...

Macedonia 10.01.22 | 10:52

Bulgarian President Radev convenes the national security council to discuss Macedonia

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev convenes his national security council today to discuss the dispute with Macedonia. Radev is a hardline voice on the issue and has tried to include security related matters in the dispute, such as insisting that Bulgarians in Macedonia face discrimination, but still, convening...

Macedonia 08.01.22 | 11:17

New stage in the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria begins in ten days

As Bulgarian President Rumen Radev is convening a meeting of its national security council to discuss the dispute with Macedonia, both countries are preparing for the visit by the newly elected Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov to Macedonia on January 18th. Petkov will be accompanied by Foreign Minister...

Macedonia 06.01.22 | 18:12

SDSM coalition partner Tito Petkovski declares Bulgaria an “overt enemy of Macedonia and the Macedonians”

Tito Petkovski, leader of the NSDP party which is part of the SDSM – DUI led coalition, declared Bulgaria “the only overt enemy of Macedonia and the Macedonians”. In a Facebook comment, Petkovski also said that the nationalist demands from Bulgaria portray its leaders Rumen Radev and...

Macedonia 05.01.22 | 20:14

Bulgaria wants constructive dialogue with Macedonia, PM Petkov’s representative says

Lena Borislavova, chief of staff for the newly elected Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, said that the country is prepared to resume constructive dialogue with Macedonia. Borislavova pointed to the recent visit by Petkov’s adviser Vesela Cherneva to Macedonia and said that they are proposing...

Macedonia 05.01.22 | 14:17

New leader-old submissive policy: Kovacevski must say whether he will seek reciprocity in relations with Bulgaria

Two appearances in a relatively short time by the former mayor of Karpos and party secretary of SDSM, Andrej Petrov, reflect the situation in the ruling party. The “new” party establishment continues to prostitute itself politically with state and national interests. Because, there is still...

Macedonia 05.01.22 | 11:45

Only the Government is silent: Macedonian Bulgarians urge Petkov and Radev not give in to Macedonia veto

Macedonian Bulgarian organizations in a letter to President Rumen Radev, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Parliament Speaker Nikola Minchev, and parties represented in the Parliament urge Bulgaria to maintain its clear and categorical position regarding the start of Macedonia’s EU accession talks.  They...

Macedonia 02.01.22 | 22:05

PM Petkov sees a period of work before Bulgaria can lift the veto against Macedonia

In a TV interview, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said that Bulgaria and Macedonia need to work together to get to a point when Sofia will be able to lift the veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks. In his early interviews, Petkov indicated a six month period after which he would be...

Macedonia 31.12.21 | 11:18

Bulgaria protests Russian movie that credits Macedonia with the spread of Christianity among the Slavs

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry protested the broadcasting of a Russian made movie about the spread of Christianity among the Slavic nations which credits medieval Macedonia with the work of Ss. Cyril and Methodius. Bulgaria wants exclusive credit for the work of the “Apostles to the Slavs”...

Balkans 30.12.21 | 10:24

Bulgarians make another bizarre claim, say the “Tanec” folklore ensemble was Bulgarian

The Macedonian Ensemble of Traditional Dances and Songs “Tanec” was founded by the government in Skopje in 1949. Its task was to present the rich cultural heritage of Macedonia as “Macedonian” and not as Bulgarian. A number of its members have been repressed for refusing to serve...

Macedonia 29.12.21 | 09:03

Bulgarian journalists asks the new Government to quickly lift the veto, lists all the benefits of having Macedonia as part of the EU

Witing in her ClubZ outlet, Bulgarian journalist Kapka Todorova called on the new Government to approve the inclusion of Macedonia to the European Union. Bulgaria has been blocking the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia since 2020, as it demands major concessions on national identity and national...

Macedonia 28.12.21 | 15:36

Ahmeti announces that he will keep pushing SDSM to make concessions to Bulgaria

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti announced that he will keep pushing SDSM into making additional concessions to Bulgaria. In a meeting with the press, Ahmeti said that he agrees with the Bulgarian demand to add the Bulgarian community to the list of constituent nations of Macedonia named in the Preamble of the...

Macedonia 27.12.21 | 10:40

Macedonians in Albania say that Bulgaria is distributing propaganda materials in their schools

The Macedonian Alliance for European Integration, which represents ethnic Macedonians in Albania, blames Bulgaria of trying to impose a Bulgarian national identity over this community. According to MAEI, Bulgarian officials are distributing propaganda materials in schools in the region, which are meant...

Macedonia 23.12.21 | 21:35

Pendarovski: Now is not the time to add the Bulgarian community to the Constitution

President Pendarovski rejected the Bulgarian demand for quick changes to the Macedonian Constitution in order the name the Bulgarian community among the constituent nations. Pendarovski said that if this is the only issue after which Bulgaria would lift its veto it would be worth considering, but it...
