Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 05.07.21 | 19:25

Milososki calls on all parties in Parliament to support the resolution for the negotiations with Bulgaria

The resolution proposed by VMRO-DPMNE could help the entire country, as our state and national identity and our linguistic uniqueness is under attack, said member of Parliament Antonio Milososki. The resolution was publicly presented by VMRO leader Hristijan Mickoski last week, and after several days...

Macedonia 05.07.21 | 19:05

Merkel says that the Bulgarian veto against Macedonia was an unpredictable development in the Balkans

During an online meeting with the Balkan leaders, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the Bulgarian veto of Macedonia was one of the unforeseen developments in the region. Merkel discussed the long process of getting Macedonia to accept the Greek demands, and said that once this was done,...

Macedonia 05.07.21 | 16:45

Smaller SDSM coalition partners also come out in support of the VMRO-DPMNE resolution for the negotiations with Bulgaria

The small DOM and LDP parties, who are part of the SDSM led coalition, also agreed to support the resolution for establishing a national consensus on the negotiations with Bulgaria, that was proposed by VMRO-DPMNE. After several days of rejecting the proposal, SDSM today surprised the public by announcing...

Macedonia 04.07.21 | 21:03

Government pays Buckovski 12,000 euros a year plus other costs for negotiations with Bulgaria on behalf of Macedonia

Ex-prime minister Vlado Buckovski receives 12,000 euros a year as compensation from the government for the negotiations he is holding as a special envoy with Bulgarian officials. According to a government document, Buckovski receives 1,000 euros a month as a consulting compensation for the negotiations...

Macedonia 04.07.21 | 13:22

Austria’s Foreign Minister: Bulgaria is isolated in the EU

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, said in an interview with “360 Degrees” that in the last EU meetings there was “growing frustration with the fact that no progress can be made towards opening negotiations with Albania and Macedonia”. You are absolutely right that...

Macedonia 03.07.21 | 22:22

Johannes Hahn: It is in Bulgaria’s interest for Macedonia to join the EU and I think Bulgaria knows that

Bulgaria knows there must be a compromise. A solution needs to be found that takes into account all the red lines, EU Commissioner for Budget and Administration and former EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn told 24 Vesti. He says that there is progress and it is only a matter of time before the...

Macedonia 03.07.21 | 09:49

Jansa: It’s good for Bulgaria to accept that they speak similar language to the Macedonian

Slovenia’s Prime Minister Janez Jansa told Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) that he understood Bulgaria’s position on its veto on the start of Macedonia’s EU negotiations, as it is a member of the bloc, but that a compromise must be found, MIA reports from Sofia. When we are in one family, first...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 23:13

Zaev: There is a solution with Bulgaria that is acceptable to both sides

During Friday’s interview with TV21, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that they have a solution with Bulgaria that is acceptable to both sides. We have a solution with Bulgaria that is acceptable to both sides. I want to believe, I cannot confirm, but I want to believe that this time we did not get...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 22:56

Tsipras: Bulgaria needs to understand that within the European family it cannot continue with denying, but with connecting

The EU remains in the position of accession, but also there’s a difficult development, the main reason – Bulgaria. I want to hope that this will change in the coming period. Bulgaria needs to understand that within the European family it cannot continue with denying, but with connecting,...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 22:09

Zaev: Unfortunately, representatives from Bulgaria didn’t come to Ohrid, it’s not a good message!

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in Friday’s interview with TV21 that, unfortunately, the Prespa Forum Dialogue was not attended by representatives from neighboring Bulgaria. He believes that it is not a good message. We sent invitations when the organization of the summit started. We had announcements...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 21:24

I understand Bulgaria’s position towards Macedonia, but a compromise must be found, Jansa tells BNR

Slovenia’s Prime Minister Janez Jansa told Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) that he understood Bulgaria’s position on its veto on the start of Macedonia’s EU negotiations, as it is a member of the bloc, but that a compromise must be found, MIA reports from Sofia. When we are in one family,...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 15:42

Slovenian Foreign Minister Logar will travel to Sofia to discuss the Bulgarian veto against Macedonia

Slovenian Foreign Minister Anze Logar will travel to Bulgaria as one of his first decisions in the Slovenian Presidency of the EU. Logar said that he will do this to raise the issue of the Bulgarian veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Slovenia is strongly supportive of Macedonia EU accession....

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 15:37

SDSM quickly rejects VMRO-DPMNE’s offer of forming a joint position on the negotiations with Bulgaria

The SDSM party promptly refused the proposed resolution presented today by VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. In it, Mickoski laid out positions that would be adopted as Macedonia’s red lines in the negotiations with Bulgaria. Mickoski presents the resolution for safeguarding Macedonian...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 13:02

LIVE: Mickoski presents the resolution to limit the scope of negotiations with Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski is presenting the party’s proposed resolution for drawing clear red lines in the negotiations with Bulgaria. Mickoski warned that the Zaev regime will cause irreparable harm to Macedonia’s national interests with its apparent willingness to accept any...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 10:35

Osmani confirms that Macedonia is asked to make a statement of non-denial as Bulgaria declares its positions before the EU

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani confirmed that the idea being reviewed with Bulgaria is that the two countries make separate, side-by-side statements, in which Bulgaria will present its positions, while Macedonia will not oppose them. Osmani insisted that Bulgaria did not fully reject this proposal, put...

Macedonia 02.07.21 | 09:57

VMRO-DPMNE will submit a resolution meant to define the Macedonian positions in the talks with Bulgaria

VMRO-DPMNE will submit a resolution to the Parliament to safeguard Macedonian key national positions in the dispute with Bulgaria. The proposal is meant to be a response to the declaration of the Bulgarian Parliament, which set out a long list of demands Macedonia must meet before joining the EU. These...

Macedonia 27.06.21 | 11:59

Osmani: Bulgaria can block our country 200 times, even over question as whether Vardar river is clean or not

As long as EU enlargement decisions are made by consensus, Bulgaria can block us on any issue. It can even find a reason and block us over question as whether the Vardar river is clean or not, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani in an interview with Radio Free Europe. Especially now with the new methodology...

Macedonia 26.06.21 | 23:28

Pendarovski: Bulgaria’s five demands are a marketing ploy – the real obstacle is the Macedonian language and nation

The five demands to Macedonia published by the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry are nothing but a marketing ploy, said President Pendarovski. The real obstacle for progress in the negotiations is the Macedonian language and nation – points on which we cannot make a compromise, said the president in an...

Macedonia 26.06.21 | 17:15

Arsovski: Bulgaria demands complete deprivation of identity, and Zaev has no red lines

Asked to comment on Bulgaria’s requests published by the media, VMRO-DPMNE spokesman Dimce Arsovski said that what Bulgaria demands is complete deprivation of identity. What I can emphasize is that we have seen that the Bulgarian side demands complete deprivation of identity, but at the same time...

Macedonia 25.06.21 | 19:29

Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry released part of the June 17 agreement: Skopje to drop minority claims, rehabilitate victims of Yugoslav communism…

One of the obligations that the Macedonian side undertook on the 17th of this month in Sofia, envisages Skopje to confirm to the UN as soon as possible that the short and long name of the country refer only to the political entity “Republic of Macedonia”, and not to the geographical region...
