Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 25.05.21 | 12:04

Is shared and common history the same?

And almost four years after the signing of the Agreement on Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation with Bulgaria, the Macedonian side is behaving absurdly! Even the last attempt to overcome the misunderstandings, which came from the Portuguese presidency of the EU, the Macedonian political elite...

Macedonia 24.05.21 | 22:00

Vice President Iotova says that Bulgaria is looking into ways the historic dispute will be made part of Macedonia’s EU accession talks

Bulgarian Vice President Iliana Iotova made conciliatory comments that announce that Bulgaria might allow Macedonia to finally open its EU accession talks. Iotova spoke of the modalities for how the historic and national identity issues that Bulgaria is raising against Macedonia could be incorporated...

Macedonia 24.05.21 | 18:44

Bulgarian President Radev insists that Macedonia’s path to the EU goes through Sofia

Days before heading with President Pendarovski for a joint Macedonian – Bulgarian honoring of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Rome, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev warned Macedonia that “its path to the EU leaders through Bulgaria”. Radev said that he is facing increased “interest” from EU countries...

Macedonia 24.05.21 | 18:29

Zaev calls on Bulgaria to recognize the Macedonian identity and language

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, who is currently trying to present a tough position on Macedonian national identity isseus as Bulgaria persists in its blockade of Macedonia’s EU accession talks, called on Bulgaria to recognize the Macedonian language and national identity today. Zaev was speaking on the...

Balkans 21.05.21 | 17:04

Macedonians in Bulgaria: Denial of Macedonian minority is last remnant of totalitarian policies in EU

A group of organizations representing Macedonians in Bulgaria has published a report on the violation of the rights of Macedonians covering last year’s events. The report, published by the Macedonian International Human Rights Movement, cites numerous examples of violations of political rights...

Macedonia 21.05.21 | 12:01

Name dispute over the Bulgarian university that is set to open a branch in Macedonia

Rector Nikola Jankulovski, who heads the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (UKIM) in Skopje, said that he will push against the registration of the name-sake university from the Bulgarian city of Veliko Trnovo in Macedonia, on name copyright grounds. The Veliko Trnovo university announced it received...

Macedonia 21.05.21 | 11:25

EU’s mission to Sofia seems like a failure, unlikely that Bulgaria will lift its veto

The EU – Portuguese mission to Sofia seems to be a failure. Bulgarian Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev told the visiting EU Commissioner Varhelyi and the Portuguese Minister Silva that Bulgaria’s caretaker Government will have a policy of full continuity with the previously set national policy...

Macedonia 21.05.21 | 09:15

EU and Portugal begin their push aimed at getting Bulgaria to lift its veto

European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi and the Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva are visiting Sofia and Skopje today, in an attempt to get Bulgaria to lift its veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Their first stop is Sofia where they will meet President Rumen Radev,...

Macedonia 20.05.21 | 17:12

Osmani considers June as optimal chance for Bulgaria to remove veto on start of EU talks

We’re doing everything we can for Bulgaria to lift the veto on Macedonia’s opening of negotiations with the EU and I insist that June is the optimal chance for that to happen even though Bulgaria has an interim government, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told Thursday’s news conference after promoting...

Macedonia 20.05.21 | 13:35

Zaev is hoping that Bulgarian President Radev can deliver, promises him victory in the next elections if he does

A flurry of activity is expected in the coming days as EU officials led by Portugal and German diplomats will try to get Bulgaria to allow Macedonia to open its EU accession talks, together with Albania. This would avoid the threat of having Albania advance alone which would inflict a major humiliation...

Macedonia 20.05.21 | 11:45

German Ambassador Holstein strongly condemns Bulgaria for its veto against Macedonia

German Ambassador to Macedonia Anke Holstein strongly condemned Bulgaria for blocking Macedonia’s accession talks prospects. She said that “one country is holding 26 EU member states hostage and is harming the credibility of the entire European Union when it comes to enlargement”. During...

Macedonia 19.05.21 | 21:12

Bulgaria formally protests move by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic to side with Macedonia in the historic dispute

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry summoned the Croatian Ambassador to deliver her a protest note regarding the comments Croatian President Zoran Milanovic made on the dispute with Macedonia. During a recent conference of Balkan leaders in Slovenia, Milanovic strongly condemned Bulgaria for its blockade...

Macedonia 19.05.21 | 19:46

2,000 Macedonian citizens registered to get vaccines on the border with Bulgaria

Some 2,000 Macedonian citizens registered to get a vaccine at two border crossings, with the help of a Bulgarian association. The organization led by Milan Vrabevski announced it will offer Macedonian citizens vaccines regardless whether they are also dual Bulgarian citizens or not. The vaccination points...

Macedonia 18.05.21 | 08:56

Bulgaria opens two border check-points for vaccination of Macedonian citizens

Bulgaria is opening two check-points for vaccination that will be available to Macedonian citizens – even those without a dual Bulgarian passport. The points will operate at the Delcevo and Strumica border crossings and citizens will have a choice of Pfizer, Astra Zeneca or Moderna vaccines. They...

Macedonia 17.05.21 | 12:02

Zaharieva warns that Bulgaria will closely monitor the census in Macedonia

Former Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva, who vetoed Macedonia from opening EU accession talks, said that the country must closely monitor the coming census in Macedonia. She insisted that after over 120,000 Macedonian citizens took a dual Bulgarian passport, this must be reflected in the...

Macedonia 15.05.21 | 17:42

Zaev hopes that Mitsotakis’ “creative ideas” could be used to turn the tables on Bulgaria

Following his visit to Brussels, where he began to sound off a defiant, “patriotic” note on the dispute with Bulgaria, Zoran Zaev said that Macedonia has nothing more to offer and will wait on the EU to open the accession talks.  Macedonia has nothing more to offer. It is up to the Union to find...

Macedonia 14.05.21 | 22:32

Bulgarian caretaker Government is ready to talk, but notes it doesn’t have mandate to change the consensus position

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry announced that its caretaker Minister Svetlan Stoev is ready to have a phone conversation with his Macedonian counterpart Bujar Osmani, but noted that not much will change in the coming months. Bulgaria is without a political Government after the inconclusive April elections...

Macedonia 13.05.21 | 22:55

Dimovski: The Prespa Treaty led to the dispute with Bulgaria

Zaev’s Prespa Treaty with Greece and the redefining of the Macedonian national identity contained in it opened the door for Bulgarian politicians to condition Macedonia, said VMRO-DPMNE official Ilija Dimovski in an interview this evening. Dimovski, who is a well informed participant in the disputes...

Balkans 13.05.21 | 11:19

In order to start EU talks, Macedonia has to accept that it speaks Bulgarian dialect, that Goce Delcev and the Ilinden Uprising are Bulgarian, give up its minority in Bulgaria

The so-called framework position of Bulgaria in relation to Macedonia has been published on social media. This position was the position of the government of Boyko Borisov, and now also of the caretaker government of Stefan Janev. There is nothing good in, just that Macedonia has to literally give up...

Macedonia 12.05.21 | 15:05

End of hopes for EU negotiations at least until autumn: Bulgarian interim prime minister says he will not lift the veto on Macedonia

Hopes that a compromise could be reached with the new government in Sofia ahead of the decision to set a date for Macedonia’s EU talks to begin in June this year have been dashed following the appointment of Bulgaria’s interim Prime Minister Stefan Yanev. The Bulgarian framework position...
