Tag: filipce
Macedonia 01.07.24 | 18:31

Small group of Filipce supporters celebrated his victory with trumpets

After Venko Filipce was elected leader of SDSM, a small group of his supporters brought a brass band before the party office to celebrate. The overall mood was far from celebratory, given SDSM’s dramatic loss in the recent elections and the on-going divisions in the party that threaten to weaken...

Macedonia 01.07.24 | 10:22

VMRO tells Filipce he won’t escape accountability with his election as SDSM leader

VMRO-DPMNE warned newly elected SDSM party leader Venko Filipce that he should not expect any leniency in future criminal investigations because of the position he acquired. Filipce was named in numerous corruption scandals over the years, as Healthcare Minister and as top associate of Zoran Zaev. Filipce...

Macedonia 28.06.24 | 18:00

SDSM leadership race hit by recriminations and corruption allegations

Dramatic developments in SDSM ahead of the party elections scheduled for June 30th, where the membership is supposed to elect a new leader. With former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce the clear front-runner in the race, due to the open support he’s receiving from Zoran Zaev, other candidates...

Macedonia 02.05.24 | 21:35

SDSM officials acknowledge they are heading to defeat with a divided party

Following the shock of the first round of the presidential elections, SDSM officials began to acknowledge reality and to prepare their voters for a period in the opposition. Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Maricic was the first to own up to the facts – he said that SDSM sees a role for itself as a...

Macedonia 30.04.24 | 21:59

Comments from Filipce seen as beginning of leadership challenge in SDSM

Venko Filipce, who leads the SDSM party list in the 4th electoral district, made a statement widely interpreted as the first shot of the upcoming leadership challenge in SDSM. During a rally, the former Healthcare Minister who was the recipient of enormous PR investment by SDSM during the Covid crisis...

Macedonia 23.04.24 | 16:12

Filipce was trying to sell a huge state owned hospital to Orce Kamcev

Speaking of top SDSM officials, Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 yesterday testified that he negotiated the sale of the large, state owned 8th of September hospital to Kamcev. He said that he would meet with then Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce and Kamcev in his home outside of Skopje to discuss how...

Macedonia 23.04.24 | 12:57

In a bombshell interview, Bojan Jovanovski reveals details about Zaev’s corruption and the judicial attacks on the opposition

In an extensive, five hours long interview, Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 revelaed minute details about his corrupt activities that involve top SDSM party officials. The flamboyant showman is sentenced to a long prison term after he used his SDSM party ties to extort millions from businessman that...

Macedonia 10.04.24 | 13:56

Nikoloski holds serious lead over Filipce in the south-eastern electoral district

The latest IPIS poll shows that SDSM candidate Venko Filipce faces unsurmountable odds in the 4th electoral district against VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski. The poll, prepared for the state MRTV television, shows that Nikoloski leads Filipce with 32 percent against 19.9 percent. SDSM...

Macedonia 01.04.24 | 23:11

Nikoloski pledges thorough overhaul of the judiciary

In a 360 Degrees interview, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski pledged serious reforms in the judiciary, whose public trust has been dragged down to low single digits under the DUI – SDSM regime. VMRO-DPMNE calls for a complete overhaul of the Judicial Council and the Council of Prosecutors,...

Macedonia 31.03.24 | 15:06

Nikoloski: Filipce and Spasovski are competing for the SDSM party leadership

Discussing the upcoming duel in the 4th electoral district, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said that he will face his easiest opponent yet, in the face of former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce. The party leaders will face each other in the 1st electoral district. But the duel in the...

Macedonia 14.12.23 | 14:30

SDSM sees Venko Filipce as their strongest presidential candidate

Former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce is the strongest candidate for the presidential elections on the part of the ruling SDSM party, Republika has learnt from sources in the party. SDSM invested heavily in Filipce during the Covid pandemic, trying to portray him as a competent and energetic, even...

Macedonia 04.09.23 | 18:42

SDSM’s former star Venko Filipce is missing during the cancer drug scandal

Former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce, who was once the rising star of the SDSM party, still has not commented on the major and gruesome scandal at the Oncology Clinic, where doctors and nurses are suspected of stealing expensive chemotherapy drugs and selling them on the black market. Filipce was...

Macedonia 22.02.22 | 16:00

In his last days in office Venko Filipce paid 2.5 million EUR to a Greek company

Plusinfo, a news site which has revealed a number of scandals involving the Zaev regime, reports that former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce approved one last highly lucrative and suspicious move before leaving office in January. According to Plusinfo, in December Filipce paid out 2.5 million EUR to...

Macedonia 19.02.22 | 14:28

Filipce will have a security detail for the next six months

Former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce will have a security detail for the next six months, he confirmed today, after media reports that he is receiving death threats. Filipce denied receiving threats and said that his security detail was extended by the ANB state security agency. Filipce is a close...

Macedonia 08.01.22 | 14:31

Gjorcev: Under Zaev and Filipce, Macedonia has disastrous results in managing the coronavirus epidemic

Macedonia has a total coronavirus mortality of 8,000 people and the highest regional death rate which is a disastrous consequence of the healthcare system managed by Minister Venko Filipce and Zoran zaev, said VMRO-DPMNE official Vladimir Gjorcev during a press conference today. We lack beds, we lack...

Macedonia 29.11.21 | 13:26

There will be no new coronavirus restrictions for the time being

The Government won’t introduce new measures in light of the spread of the new Omicron strain of the coronavirus, Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce announced today. Filipce said that travel restrictions imposed on Africa, where the strain originated, won’t yield results since the virus is...

Macedonia 29.11.21 | 13:23

Filipce won’t run for SDSM party leader

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce announced that he will not run for SDSM party leader. Filipce was a rising star of the Zaev Government at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, even though he was not a prominent party member. But as the death toll in Macedonia set European records and reports of his...

Macedonia 25.11.21 | 20:55

Healthcare Minister Filipce ignores calls to put a cap on the price of the coronavirus tests

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce dismissed calls from the public and from the unions to put a cap on the Covid virus tests. Filipce is preparing to order public sector employees to either get vaccinated or be forced to show negative tests every few days when they go to work. Media outlets asked Filipce’s...

Macedonia 22.11.21 | 22:12

Government will recommend to private companies to make the vaccines mandatory for all employees

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce said that the Government will recommend to the private sector to make vaccines mandatory for all employees. The Government is considering whether to impose vaccines on public sector employees, or force them to take out costly PCR tests every few days. We will discuss...

Macedonia 16.11.21 | 20:24

Government plans new restrictions to push people to get vaccinated

Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce announced that the committee on infectious diseases will meet tomorrow to prepare new steps to push citizens to get vaccinated. Interest in vaccines has dropped as the rate of infection also fell from the high reached during August and September. Our healthcare system...
