The European Union considers yesterday’s closure of the nine branches of “Post Serbia” in the north of Kosovo by the Kosovo authorities as a unilateral and uncoordinated step, because the agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on telecommunications from 2013 provides for the issue of postal services to be decided “at a later stage” of the talks, the spokesperson of the European Commission for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Peter Stano, said today.

– This means that a dialogue is foreseen to solve this issue. Unfortunately, what the Kosovo authorities did yesterday is absolutely completely uncoordinated and represents an absolutely unilateral move, which has very negative consequences for the people of northern Kosovo, added Stano in response to a journalist’s question why the EU in yesterday’s reaction assessed this action as unilateral. and uncoordinated.

According to Stano, yesterday’s action by the Kosovo authorities is directed against the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and represents a violation of the agreed obligations.

– We know from the past what are the results of unilateral and uncoordinated actions and their negative consequences on the population, added the EC spokesperson.

When asked what consequences Pristina could face due to yesterday’s action, Stano answered that the EU clearly stated in yesterday’s statement what it expects from the administration of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.

The measures that were taken against Kosovo last year are a reflection of steps that lead to escalation. Now we are seeing further unilateral steps, further uncoordinated actions, leading to further escalation. I believe that those who make those decisions in Pristina should understand that very clearly, Stano added.

Evaluating that yesterday’s action represents a violation of the agreements reached within the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue, the EU emphasized in yesterday’s reaction that unilateral and uncoordinated actions cannot offer solutions to this or any other issue that is part of the process for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

The closure of the existing services of the Kosovo Serbs, without any new arrangement having been previously agreed upon, will further negatively affect the daily life and living conditions of this community. The EU is ready to include this issue on the agenda of the next dialogue meeting. The EU expects the parties to propose constructive ideas that could serve as a basis for solutions, the Union assessed in the reaction, also calling on the Kosovo Government to reconsider its decision and to find a solution to this issue through negotiations within the dialogue that is conducted through mediation. from the EU.