Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Aleksandar Nikoloski held a working meeting with the executive director of the Hungarian airline wizz air, Jozef Varady.

The meeting discussed the previous cooperation between wizz air as a beneficiary of the financial support for the introduction of airlines and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, which implements this measure in order to encourage and improve air traffic in the country.

Also, at the meeting, Minister Nikoloski opened the issue of the new public call for financial support for new destinations to/from Skopje International Airport and St. Paul the Apostle in Ohrid for the period 2025-2027. The minister informed in detail about the conditions and criteria of the public call, emphasizing the contribution of the wizz air airline to the development of passenger air traffic in the past period.

At the meeting, Nikoloski emphasized that the public call is open to all airlines that are interested in operating on the Macedonian market under the conditions stipulated by the public call, according to a statement from the office of Minister Nikoloski.

The public call lasts until October 7 and within the framework of the three-year program financial support in the amount of 360 million denars is foreseen. In addition to other conditions, the amount of financial support is expected to be 9 euros per arriving passenger transported from Skopje International Airport and 12 euros per arriving passenger transported from Sveti Apostol Pavle – Ohrid airport.