Some bakeries announce that as of tomorrow, December 1, citizens will be able to buy bread for 32 denars. In the coming period, as they told MIA, there will be a correction in the prices of other bakery products, probably by about 10 percent. Reductions of over 10 percent are also possible for meat products if the Government makes a decision that would cancel duties on imported raw materials, as requested by companies from this sector. Reduced prices in December cannot be expected for dairy products, which, according to processors, will be cheaper in January.

These are the views of representatives from the food industry who, starting tomorrow, through “ESM sales”, should receive electricity at a subsidized, fixed price of 80 euros per megawatt hour.

Companies welcome the measure as a start to fully address the problem in their industry. They also believe that the regulated price of electricity, combined with the measure for margins in retail sales, will have an effect.

The millers are still of the opinion that by activating the commodity reserves, a wider benefit would be achieved. A more serious stabilization of prices for dairy products, as assessed by the dairy industry, can only be expected if farmers are given cheaper electricity.

According to the Chamber of Commerce of Macedonia, dairy products that will be produced from December 1 onwards, with cheap electricity, will be sold after New Year’s.

The dairy industry is specific due to the longer several-month production processes. Fermentation for some products, such as cheese, lasts two to three months. What will be produced now in the dairy industry will be sold from January onwards or cheap electricity products will be sold after New Year’s. It is a little different in the bakery industry, where positive effects and price reductions can be felt much faster, the Chamber of Commerce explains.