The President of the Regulatory Commission for Energy, Marko Bislimoski, informed that from August 1, the price of thermal energy in Skopje will decrease.

The largest system in Skopje with 52 thousand consumers, among households – prices for heating will decrease by 3.16%. Heating prices for all other consumers, such as schools and institutions, will decrease by 17.3%. This price for households is without subsidies. In the past period, approximately 12 million euros were set aside for subsidies from the state budget, Bislimoski said.

According to the first regulator, for the rest of the systems, the price in Skopje-North for the subsidies is reduced by 1.71%, and for the rest by 17.22%.

At “ESM Energetica”, the price of heating for households is reduced by 0.5%, while for others it is about 40%.

Bislimoski appealed to complete the reconstruction of the pipeline on the “Belasica” bridge and not to leave it to chance, in order to be ready for the upcoming heating season.