Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski met with the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban during the NATO summit in Washington. Mickoski informed that they have concluded an agreement to form a special economic partnership between the two countries.

We had an exceptionally good and fruitful meeting with the Prime Minister of the Hungarian Government Viktor Orban. We covered several topics including the one that is probably of highest importance to the Macedonian citizens – the two Government agreed to create a special form of economic cooperation, which will bring financial stability for the Macedonian economy. As part of this agremeent, we empowered officials from the Finance Ministries to begin a process in which the Hungarian Government will lend to the Macedonian Government the sum of 500 million EUR, with 3.25 percent interest, three years grace period, to be paid back in 12 years, said Mickoski, adding that the agreement includes the option for Macedonia to turn to Hungary for additional similar loans in the future.

According to the Macedonian Prime Minister, half of the loaned sum will go to support local businesses, and the other half will be used for infrastructure investments completed through the municipal authorities.