Following the meeting of the Economic and Social Council, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said that in 2025 we can expect noticeable rates of growth that will allow the citizens to begin to overcome their difficulties.

I expect that we will have an economy that goes forward in the next year, that produces additional value and rates of growth that will be felt by the citizens through higher family budgets and better business conditions, the Prime Minister said.

The Council discussed the 2025 budget, and Mickoski said that it will include 2,500 denars in additional pension increases for al lrecipients starting in March. Public sector salaries in education and healthcare will grow, the Prime Minister added.

In the business sector, two important cycles will happen – the investments in local infrastructure, for which the Government secure 250 million EUR for schools, kindergartens, roads and water systems. The second cycle are the funds that will be put on disposal of the businesses through super affordable loans. This will generate an investment wave of perhaps up to 800 million EUR. All companies will have an opportunity to invest these funds in capital investments, for renewable energy and construction, Mickoski added.